Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
No, no no....
You're completely misinterpreting what I'm trying to say.
I'm saying that no official should ever take ignorant fanboys like you seriously. I sureashell don't.
Clowns like you always slither out of their hiding places at this time of year to whine about the mean old referees screwing their teams. It must be a Law of Nature or something because it happens every year. Hey, don't let me stop you though. Do what you gotta do, fanboy. Just don't operate under the illusion that anyone actually takes you or the other fanboys like you seriously. You're comic relief.
Carry on. 
Once again, when pressed on the facts and logic you resort to personal attacks. You show yourself for what you are. If you think your pitiful assault on fans has any effect at all -- you are sadly mistaken. Debate or argue like an adult, with dignity, logic, and decorum.