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Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 05:47pm
nakemiin nakemiin is offline
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Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
First- I'm wounded to the quick, Sir. I have always been noted for my class, savoir faire and even, if I may say so myself, a slight touch of natural elan.

Second-- So....if you're not a basketball referee, exactly what are you qualifications when it comes to determining whether a bad call was made or not? Countless hours of watching games and listening to the announcers?

Third- Again, if you are not a basketball official, exactly what are your qualifications that will allow you to determine that a basketball official should be removed from his avocation/vocation? And yes, I certainly am kind of sensitive when ignorant fanboys advocate firing officials when they've never officiated a basketball game in their lives and also don't know or understand the rules, mechanics and philosophies used.

Fourth- You might not be a Dookie fanboy but there's really no difference when it comes to your genus. You're just another typical fanboy wandering through. You've never officiated a basketball game in your life. That don't matter though. Instead of asking if a bad call was made in the game, you tell us that a bad call was made. Typical fanboy crap iow.
Your savoir faire and elan are certainly displayed in your response -- or lack thereof. Self promotion does not make it so. Enough said on that.

While not an official referee I have not only watched countless games, played in games, and (more importantly) studied the official rules (including the changes from year to year). My qualifications -- probably none by your implied standards, other than a love of the game, a thorough understanding of the game, indepth understanding of the rules. Based on your definition no one who has not officiated in a specific sport has any right to question any on floor ruling. What nonsense. How many coaches have officiated games? Are you implying they have no right to ever question a call on that basis alone. Give me a break -- your logic collapses entirely.

Hmmm...regarding the removal of officials? Seems you are a bit sensitive on this...have you been removed? First, I never advocated or suggested that I held the authority to remove them. What I DID say was that if there is a pattern of poor performance, wrong calls (flagrant), then they should be removed. What part of this simple statement do you not understand? If someone make frequent mistakes why shouldn't the profession remove them? Based on your standards, no official would ever be removed. Other professions that require judgment -- police officials, doctors, judges, etc. -- have procedures for removal of poor performers.

Your final comments certainly belie your clam of "elan" and "savoir faire".
In the end "methinks he protesteth too much". Seems to me that you are defending even most egregious error by an official -- without providing any objectivity. But why am I surprised?