Well sir, us folks in Georgia share the Texas vocabulary in all ways. Did anyone mention fixin' to? I use over yonder for about any direction, but you must point 'over yonder' when saying it. We uns have fire ants, too! Plus many critters that have migrated from Florida and Texas such as the famous road meat, armadillo, and pesky coyotoes. (sp?)
Luckily, I live about 20 miles from Atlanta in a civilized area as the contractors have wiped out the wooded areas for malls, malls, more malls, and subdivisions. It USED to be
nice and rural. I didn't even mind the occasional cows in heat with the bulls roaring at night, the cock-a-doodle-dos,
and deer wandering into our yards. Not anymore. Ifen I didn't want to drive a heap more to my day job, I would move
further out into the boonies.
"Lady Blue"
Metro Atlanta ASA (retired)
Georgia High School NFHS (retired)
Mom of former Travel Player
National Indicator Fraternity 1995