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Old Thu Jan 25, 2007, 02:51pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by 81artmonk
I was just thinking that since Team A had possession before the ball went out of bounds, that possession never changed even during the throw-in so it would be back court. So what you are saying is that no matter who had possession, a ball going out of bounds automatically becomes dead with no one having possession, therefore, there would be no backcourt.
my reasoning on this was from an instance in a game where Player A had the ball and player B swatted the ball loose from player A causing the ball to roll off their leg and go backcourt, where another player From A retrieved it and it wasn't called backcourt, yet possession never changed and I was told from this forum that it should have been called backcourt. So, that was were I sort of reasoned my thoughts. I guess I was wrong, but I learn ya know
You've got it now.

From the defintion of Control, Player and Team in the rules book:

4-12-2 . . . A team is in control of the ball when a player of the team is in control, while a live ball is being passed among teammates and during an interrupted dribble.

4-12-6 . . . Neither team control nor player control exists during a dead ball, throw-in, a jump ball or when the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal.
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