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Old Wed Jan 24, 2007, 07:16pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Huntin' Ref
I need to know the background of this common quote....

"Only in the ....wait for it.....SEC"

I see you use it, but I wasn't around when this inside joke started. Please give me a little insight!!!
IIRC, it started like this....

There was pretender on here a while back that claimed to be on the SEC staff. In everything he stated seemed to reference the SEC, as if they were the gods of basketball. He say something about the SEC in every post to support his point, even if it wasn't true. In the end, it was determined that this person may have went to some camp with the SEC and he was on some sort of mailing list...never worked a game for any sort of SEC team...even in the summer. He faded away....but Jurrassic's contempt for the SEC remains.

In fact, we alway have a few pretenders floating around. Some are just more obnoxious than others. There will alway be those who deliberately give just enough information about their games to give one impression when the full details would reveal something else altogether.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Jan 24, 2007 at 07:27pm.
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