Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
So.....what happened after you woke up?
Games over and I am about to step in the shower,knock on the door. Thinking it's my partner , young lady in the next room over, I open the door. Parent standing there with the young man who earned a T from me for motor mouthing all night. Before I could close the door Kid apologizes for having a smart mouth. I say no big deal apology accepted. Father then tells me to have a nice evening and literally grabs his son by the collar and moves him out. It was a true "Hoisers" moment. I thought Gene Hackman was gonna come in next......
I am also having alot of fun this year. Better quality games, better partners and I think I am becoming a better partner. My partner last night was a very articulate,athletic,charming 19 yo young lady. Really had her stuff together for being a blonde 19 yo. LOL I had a double foul and tried to bonehead it by going to the AP arrow and she very calmly and nicely mentioned we might want to go to POI. If I was like a 100 years younger that partner of mine would have been in serious trouble with me following her all around town.