Thread: No Energy
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Old Tue Jan 23, 2007, 09:14am
TimTaylor TimTaylor is offline
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Try to stay away from the processed sugars & heavy carbs. Another down side of the sugar/caffiene approach is the crash when it wears off.

A light meal or snack 2-3 hours before the game helps, and as Jeff & Jim suggested sticking to things like fresh fruits, juices and energy bars are best. Mine typically consists of a banana, orange or apple & a couple of pieces of beef jerky, washed down with 16 oz of V8 juice. It's a good combination of natural fruit sugars, vitamins, minerals & protein that works well for me. Also the banana & V8 are rich in potassium, which is important for both the muscular and cardiovascular systems, and is depleted by exercise.

Proper hydration is essential before, during & after the game - as one of my SEER instructors told us many years ago, if you don't have to go you're not drinking enough water. Make sure you get adequate fluids and avoid those like coffee, tea & others (many sodas) that have a diuretic effect.

Getting enough rest is important too - when you're sleeping is when your body does most of it's repair work. Faced with a short night, power napping as Juulie suggested helps. Studies have shown that 20-30 minutes is about optimal - nap too long & it can actually make you feel more tired, not the result you're looking for.

Hope you find this useful........
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