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Old Tue Jan 23, 2007, 09:08am
iref4him iref4him is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 125
[QUOTE=deecee]i guarantee your pre-game with the scorer wont change the fact that the scorer screwed up.


Do you mean to tell me you look at the book in between all quarters and count up all the fouls and score and then check the visiting book as well and compare. I highly doubt your answer will be yes to that?

Never say Never and NEver say always. Scorers are going to screw up, timers, and officials. Making them a part of your team is important. Do I check each point scored by each palyer and how many fouls each player has no. I make sure the totals are there. I make certian that the visitor and home books are the same in the running totals. ALso if there is just on book, I do spend time on making certain they know how important the scorer's job is.

Notice the OP said she did not keep running total of the score. She did not know her job responsibilities. I always ask them to make sure the running score and scoreboard are in sync.

I wander when you pre-grame with your partners is it just, let's call agood game and if you have any questions we'll talk. I don't think you do. Pre-game is vitally important.
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