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Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 12:47am
budjones05 budjones05 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Mizzouah!
Posts: 352
So far this year I have had :
1.a five second closely guarded in the back court-You have every right to be upset with this rule. a closely guared situation occurs when a player in control of the ball in his/her team's frontcourt. If you live in Missouri, this is a protestable rule. opponent call time out during a pass and been told this is legal because there is team possession during a pass. Rule 4-12-2 through 6 states a team is in control of the ball when a player of a team is in control while a live ball is being passed among teammates and during an interrupted dribble(ART 2) Team control continues intil a. the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal; b an opponent secures control; c, the ball becomes dead (ART 3) while the ball remains live a loose ball always remains control of the teamwhos player last had control , unless it is a try or tap for goal. (ART 4) Team control does not exist during a jump ball or the touching of a rebound, but is reestablished when a player secures control. (ART 5) Neither team control nor player control exists during a deab ball, throw-in, jump ball, or when the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal.

3.twice been told you cannot be the first to touch the ball back in bounds when you deflect the ball and your momentum carries you out of bound. Rule 9-3-1 and 2 A player shall not caus the ball to go out of bounds(ART 1) and A player shall not leave the floor for an unauthorized reason.( ARt 2)

4. I have been told I cannot yell foul at the end of the game or it will be an intentional foul. Rule 4-17-19 An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul which neutralizes an opponents obvious advantageous postion, Contract away from the ball or when not making a legitimate attempt to play the ball or player, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO STOP OR KEEP THE CLOCK FROM STARTING, shall be intentional. Intentionals fouls may or may nnot be premeditated and are not based solely on the severity of the act. A foul also shall be ruled intentional if while playing the ball a player causes excessive contact with an opponent

5. During the captains meeting been told a prewrap in the girls hair must be the same color. This was a month after the NFHS and the state of Illinois had made a clarificaton. ...What is a prewrap? If it is some type of a sweatband, headwear or head decorations, then it must meet the following guidelines: headbands and sweatbands must be white or similar in color to the torso of the jersey and must be the same color for each iteam and all participants. Only one item is permitted on the head and on each wrist. Items must be mositure-absorbing, nonabrasive and unaorned. Headbans may bea maximum of 2 inches......Rubber/cloth (elastic) bands may be used to control hair. Head decorations, except those specified above, are prohibited.

These are just a few I can think of at this time.
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