I just moved up to Illinois and had a tourney where one of the teams had to walk through the Ref's lounge to get to the locker room. One coach coming through our area paused and said "Tom, I've heard a lot of good things about you on the court and frankly, I don't see them." In one of the rare instances where the right answer comes right to the lips, I replied "Coach, I can honestly say I haven't heard anything good about you!"
Expect some good and bad remarks. Expect them at the wrong time and place. And, just like during a game, if those remarks, in either time, place, or intensity exceed your level of acceptability, pop the the offender with the tools at your disposal - the T, the letter, the schedule...
Also, was "respect" on the mind of that coach when he intruded to give those guys a piece of his mind? I think not. He was blowing steam in an inappropriate manner and I'll wager it wasn't the first time. Someone in the coach's administration needs to know about his behavior. If it's not gonna be that crew, then the next one, or the next.