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Old Fri Jan 19, 2007, 04:20pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by jcarter
I am not arguing with you or anyone else on the subject anymore, But yes i do remember every team I played for, Baseball, basketball and football. I remember most of my coaches, little league, grade school and high school. I even remember some of the guys that officiated these games.

Do I remeber every game, no. I remember some of the bigger games.

I do not know what you accomplished in sports, but there was not big game at the JH and youth level of sports. Even the freshman ball I played I did not consider that big of a deal. I made a shot in a varsity game as a sophomore and I remember who we played and why we were in the game.

Originally Posted by jcarter
I think one of the biggest honors I have every had in sports/officiating was being apart of renaming a local 110% award to an officials name that worked for me for severall years, he also umpired several of my little league games and high school games, and reffed some of my basketball games and then i got to present it to the first time award winner while this gentle was present.
That sounds great and I am glad you are proud of that. But for many of us we do not want to work little league sports. I do not like those games because they do not have the same pressure or sense of accomplishment. They even have to pay more money in some cases to find officials to work those games in my area to be able to compete with HS sports or other events. We need to stop fooling ourselves with reality. When someone in my area posts an opportunity for someone to work a lower level game, officials find all kind of reasons not to work those games. When an opportunity to work a varsity or college game is send out, and then the assignor or official has to pick and choose who they are going to allow to work the game.

I did not get emails a couple of weeks ago because someone says me on TV asking me about a call because I was working a JH game. The point is to keep this incident in perspective. I would not lose sleep over what happen at one of these games. People will not let me sleep over a call I made during a TV Game of the Week that I did not ask to be on TV. Working JH ball is not the highlight of my career.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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