Originally Posted by uxley11
has anyone tried this in little league? I don't know if I should work basically on the knee for 9 year olds. In other words in this stance recommended for 9-12 year olds. I don't really care about getting hit at the age level I do. I just want to be in a stance that I can call strikes as consistently as possible. Thanks
I have: for me it works fine.
No stance or mechanic is "magic" for consistent balls & strikes - it still depends entirely on the ability and competence of the person using it. If you were grossly inconsistent using the box, knee, or scissors [using them CORRECTLY, that is], GD is NOT gonna help. If, however, your problem was a consistent "look" at every pitch; or pitches seeming to "explode" on you, such that you were not following each pitch from F1's hand into the glove: GD might help.
Understand that GD is gonna "look funny", esp. behind a 3-foot tall catcher; you are NOT going to have your head anywhere near where the conventional wisdom says it should be: everyone is gonna be on you about working "so far back". It will require a certain amount of self-confidence on your part to stick with it, get used to how pitches look from GD, and call what you see, in the face of some resistance from the "old guard".