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Old Tue Jan 16, 2007, 05:21pm
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally Posted by cmathews
I didn't say there wasn't a timing error. I said you don't have definite knowledge of how much time elapsed between when the ball was touched and when the horn sounded...Without that knowledge you can't put time back on the clock in A, B or C. In D you do know that no time should have run off therefore the 1.2 is definite knowledge, unless you are counting in A, B or C you are just guessing about the time, and we can't guess.....

So what if we replace 1.2 with 5 seconds and they started it just before the release? You not going to put up time when you know darn well 5 seconds didn't run off? I don't think so.

We have definite knowledge of the time before, we know there was a timing error, so we can go back to the time we know was last right, 1.2.
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