Originally Posted by Sonofanump
When does a scimmagekick become a touchback in NCAA? Can a player reach over the goal line to grab a ball that still has not yet touched the ground in the endzone? Can a player touching the goal line down the ball that is still in the field of play?
No and Yes.
The position of the player in NCAA and what he is touching is irrelevant. The position of the BALL is the sole thing that matters in NCAA. If the ball is over the EZ or the Goal Line, and a player in the field of play jumps, reaches, dives and taps the ball back into the field of play, said player has touched the ball in the endzone (likely a TB, although the receiving team may still return the ball at this point until the ball is dead). if a player is laying in the endzone and reaches into the field of play to prevent a ball from reaching the EZ, the ball is down where it was touched or where it becomes dead.