Originally Posted by Old School
If you give a bench a technical for that, maybe you should be ref'ing rec ball.
Oh, gee, I don't know if I'm ready for that. That sounds dangerous and stuff.
Originally Posted by Old School
IMHO, that does not rise to the level of unsporting behavior. If you shoot an airball and the bench says airball, that's a fact! If they go on an on with it, tell them to stop. If the F/T shooter has another shot coming, the bench can not say anything while he is shooting. However, if he misses a 2nd time and the bench says airball, I'm putting the ball in play. We're going the other way.
I'm not allowing players on the court to do it, and I'm not allowing the bench to do it. The fans can do all they want. Like I said, though, go ahead and ignore it if your intramural assigner wants you to. You might just get that "college" championship game you've been dreaming about. You know, the one between the I Tappa Keggas and the Delta Delta Deltas.