Originally posted by John Schaefferkoetter
You have to acknowledge your partners decision and nod in agreement with it, even though the foul wasn't there. Then go on the other end and make the same consistent call, not passing on it.
Why answer to the coach, ignore him, give him the stop sign, or "t" him. No explanation is necessary.
I hate to disagree John, but, I disagree with everything you said.
1. I am not going to nod my head on a phantom foul, I don't nod my head on any other call's my partner makes and certainly not going to in this instance.
2. I am not going to call something on the other end if it's not there just because partner blew one on the other end. If he wants to even it up let him do it, I am going to call my game, unless I am inconsistent with both partners then I will try to adjust.
3. I don't think saying "nothing there, coach" to acknowledge him is a bad thing. I let him know that I am listening to him, hence, working to try to call a good game for him. He definitely did nothing to warrant a stop sign, that happens when I have had enough and obviously since I answered him it wasn't bothering me, and certainly wasn't going to get T'd for chatting with me about certain calls my partner was making. I wouldn't let him say anything personal or mean about a partner but voicing some displeasure is understandable, imho. Devon.