Originally Posted by ranger71
R1 slides into 2b, he's within arms reach to F4's side of bag. Is this slide considered in a direct line? we had major discussion at our recent meeting. would like other's interpretation of direct line. thanks.
No, but does it matter might be a follow-up question?. Depends on the situation and the rule set. If the force is on and it is NCAA or FED game he must slide directly into the bag, or away from the fielder, or he can just veer away from the fielder and not slide at all. If the force is not on it depends on where F4 is and whether you think he was sliding that way in an effort to injure F4, in which case it's illegal. If it is to F4's side of the bag and F4 is nowhere near it's legal.
If it is OBR game it's legal if he slides within arm's reach whether force or not.