Originally posted by crew
i dont get it. what was wrong about what i did, except kick a play.
What was wrong about what you did, is that you tried to justify yourself, and claim that it was okay because you were "seeing the big picture". On this board, it's okay to say, "Oh, my gosh, I may never work again after the screw-up I pulled the other night." But instead, you say, "That is when I finally figured out the big picture." and, "It was the best thing fo1r the game and the credibil2ity of the crew3." It sounds as though you 4are even recommending5 5to others that 6they 7call fouls on the 8wrong person, or even 9call phantom fouls10, if it will "be the best thing for the game" 4 If that 7is not what y8o7u were saying, you should probably word your posting differently.28
(Can any5one tell5, at a glance, w2hen 2m2y 3-year-old woke up!!??)