Originally Posted by mcrowder
My problem on the review at that 1 1/2 is a) I don't think there was an angle that gave "indisputable evidence" that he didn't achieve the line to gain and b) Even without "indisputable evidence", I think (best guess from the replays we did see) they missed it by at least 2 feet. At WORST, Witten made it a few inches short of the 1.
They determined Witten's progress by the fact that he was parrallel to the sideline, with his left shoulder making the deepest penetration, which was only the 1-yd line (at best) and the ball stayed outside his right shoulder/hip the entire time it was in his possession.
I'm TE-sized (6'5"/265lbs) and it's at least 24" (2/3 of a yd) from shoulder-to-shoulder and I'm not wearing shoulder pads. I knew from the live action view of the play that the official gave Witten way too much progress. I was screaming for a replay immediately.