Originally Posted by SRW
In your opinion, at what cost would make the camp a benefit to you?
If I lived in northern GA and didn't have to spend $7-$800 in travel and housing, the $400 camp fee
might be worth it to me.
If I were younger and ambitious and wanted to climb the ladder and could make $4K or $5K in FP umpiring, then the $1,200 cost is justified.
But at my age (66), I am not going anywhere other than to call a full (50 game) slate of H.S. games and a few summer tournaments. With a FP income of $2K (less expenses) I cannot justify that kind of camp money.
As noted, I can keep myself current and up to date with local training. Starting Sunday, I will spend more than 20 hours in class or in the gym in NFHS or ASA clinics. Total cost: $20 plus some gas.
A point of comparative reference. I can spend a weekend (F-S-S) at a volleyball camp at a college in Michigan. Several hours of classroom rules work, some court demonstrations, and a dozen or more matches called for high school teams that are also on campus that weekend. College trained officials available all day to mentor and provide evaluations. Total cost: $50 plus $15/night to stay in the dorms. (If you are like me and haven't stayed in a dorm for 40+ years, that is an interesting experience! Interesting, not pleasant!)