Originally posted by bake17
Hello fellow umps. Would like some feedback on fees you get in your respective associations. We are having a lively discussion in my association about what, if any, difference there should be in pay between the plate and base assignment.We give the plate the extra 5.00 as it stands now. We received an increase this year and some of the members feel a 10.00 difference is justified due to expense of equipment, getting banged up etc. We have a lot more base umps who for only 5.00 difference refuse to get on the dish.
All comments will be appreciated.
I'm not saying you do not have to hustle, get into proper position, etc. while doing the bases, but if one wants to "make a name for themselves ", move up or do advanced ball, one better be able to take the dish
Normally, it "evens out" over the cource of the season. No-one or at least I think no-one wants the dish everyday esepcially when the Heat arrives, but no-one should refuse to do the plate either.
IMO, this is one of the drawbacks in not having an assignor assign Plate / base responsibilities. If the assignor does not assign Plate / base responsibilities, than some form of protocol should be established ie; the senior person on the crew decides etc.
If you do not have anything "Official" and you cannot get umpires to do the plate, then make it a $25.00 differential. In other words lets assume a $100.00 game FEE for 2 umps. The PU would get $65.00 and the BU $35.00. Now let's see who wants to do the plate.
Also, at least in summer ball, most weekend games are Double Dips both on Saturdays and Sundays, therefore, it's not a problem in assigning the responsibilities. One does the Plate the first game and then you switch.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth