Sat Jan 06, 2007, 04:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 107
Hasn't been a problem at all....this is how our SRI wants it done and it works really well.
Preliminary signals at point of foul:
Whistle & raised fist
Team Control signal straight out in front
Type of foul (block, hold, push, etc.)
Point to inbound location.
Reporting to the table:
Report color & number of player that committed foul
Team control signal, fist straight out in front
Indicate color & point direction ball is going.
I also verbalize everything while giving the signals, which really helps....and not just in team control situations!
Examples while giving signals above:
Initial Report - Team control, white 23, block, blue ball
Report to table - White foul, #23, team control, blue ball
I also use different voice levels for each - normal speaking volume for initial so players concerned know what's going on, louder & slower for report to table so anyone paying attention will know what the call is.
This is exactly how we were advised by our state board during this years rules clinic. Nice description TT.
Don't call 'em all, just the ones that matter.