Thread: Eyepoke
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 04:09pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally Posted by Old School
YOU GOT THAT JR, AT ANYTIME!!!! You can kiss my azz, cause guess what, he's going to the bench. I'm not so stupid as to send someone to the bench for no reason. You are stupid to assume that I would.

This is just plain dumb, you need to rethink this statement. Any official I send to the game is #1 qualified to be there, so I'm insulted by this statement as the assigner. #2, sh!t happens, no official is perfect. I'm sure worst things have happen to you in a game than a player being asked to sit out for one play. In fact, you know what! The official gave you a break. He could have enforced a technical here if the player was faking. We teach our officials to always side on the side of caution when it comes to injuries. If we're not sure, best to have them sit down. I think this is more or so, how the conversation will go, but then again, I'm also sure there are assigners that think like you. Just looking for a reason to throw an official under the bus.

Good job proving that point.
Okay, look, OS, I can't defend you when you start going off. Whatever works for you in your league at your situation is great, but you gotta realize that most of us don't do things the way you're saying. If you'd just acknowledge that perhaps there's a bigger world out there than your league and your way of doing things, this whole conversation would be a lot better for everyone -- including you!