Thread: Eyepoke
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 03:44pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Originally Posted by armymanjones
TG I'm not going to get personal and say you don't use common sense and that maybe you should get your head into the rule book more. I am just stating the rule. Officiating is a lot of common sense. The rules are the rules and we are there to enforce the rules. I understand what JR was saying but thank you for the lecture. I have been doing this for a while at the V level and I continue to learn even after 18yrs. I know of no one who follows every rule to the letter but it is there in the case book.
It isn't anything personal, I'm just a little confrontational today. Since (sense) you have that much experience you can understand where I'm coming from. Many people may or may not use this forum as a tool. When a veteran official says something without being clear about it, a young official could go off an become too rigid with their application of the rules. Additionally, we some posters who are sort of tools themselves which confuses the matter even more. At the end of the day, I want to do what is right for the game and making sure the correct message is sent is very important to me.
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