Thread: Eyepoke
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 02:50pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Originally Posted by Old School
No, but I would rather just make him sit down then enforce a technical. Game management. Sends the same message without the heavy payload of a technical. I don't think an assigner is going to get to bent out of shape for this one.

Play Ball!
The answer to Bob's question was not "No." You basically ignored the question just like you ignored my questions. I think it is about time for some of these imposter officials to lay their cards on the table or shut up! You are making officials who want to learn something read and/or scroll through your BS and you can't even answer simple questions. Be strong and answer the questions without being evasive. Again, that tells something about you as a so called official.
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