Originally Posted by umpduck11
Dan, I'd have to disagree with this statement. If you've paid attention for
the length of time you've been here, you've probably seen someone intone that how one looks when they take the field says a lot. Coaches and players
size you up from the start, making a judgement about you based on how you are dressed. Dirty shoes ? You look lazy. Too lazy to clean and shine them.
Wrinkled shirt ? Same. Lazy. Hat or ballbags that do not match your choice
of shirt color ? Stupid. Too stupid to be able to match colors.
Please bear in mind, I'm not calling names, just giving you an idea of what
can go through people's minds. Of course, I'm sure you don't care what they think.
Your right, i dont really care. they will think what they wanna think. I wear black ball bags and thats it.
And around here we do not have an "evaluator". We have an UIC. He does not care which of the 3 colors we use, but LL dress code specifically states we are allowed grey, navy, or black. I have chosen black. If we get a new regulation then i will be happy to meet it. I look professional.