Well that is why we have kids, these priviledged *** kids shooting up schools, killing parents and the killing teachers because we have been giving respect to all ages.
Funny, I have never heard a police officer, a counselor, a psychologist, a sociologist, or even a teacher say that all our child problems are because we give the kid too much respect. I've heard that it's because the kids weren't given enough attention, but even that seems a bit simplistic.
And for your boss. I guarantee you are not cursing them out about decisions that they make. If you are what century
do you live in? There is always someone that judgement need to be questioned. Especially if you want to play a game, or have a job.
Now you're starting to ramble. You asked if I treated my boss the same as the people I work with. The honest answer was yes. Not sure what "cursing them out about their decisions" has to do with anything. As I said before, I treat everyone with respect so I wouldn't ever curse anyone out. Not even you.