The NCHSAA requires us to enforce the shirt tuck rule during warm-ups. The rule reads, "A team jersey designed to be worn inside the pants/skirt shall be tucked inside the pants/skirt and the pants/skirt shall be above the hips and worn properly." It does not say "during the game," it does not say "player." Just because the next statement explains what to do during the game, that doesn't mean that it doesn't apply before the game.
If you or your state association chooses to interpret the rule to mean during the game only, great. But the way the rule is worded, it can certainly be interpreted to mean the jersey must be tucked when the participant is on the court. Choose how you want to interpret but don't be critical because someone else interprets it differently. It's not that big of a deal.
Before anyone asks, I couldn't care less what happens while they're sitting on the bench. But when they're on the floor, it needs to be tucked. If he comes to the table, it'd better be tucked, otherwise he's not coming in. For me, the NFHS doesn't want jewelry or a baseball cap being worn during warm-ups, so why wouldn't they want everyone properly equipped in all facets during warm-ups?
I really don't see the big fuss. It's preventive officiating. I've never run into a problem asking a someone to tuck in his/her jersey during warm-ups. In fact, every time I've ever had a coach hear the request, he/she has back me 100%. Start it before the game and you won't have a problem during the game.
I'm done.
EDIT: BillyMac, turn on your private messaging.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott
"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
Last edited by BktBallRef; Sat Dec 30, 2006 at 06:37pm.