Originally Posted by NDblue
I was very satisfied with the NUS I attened a couple of years ago here in Bismarck, ND. We even learned how to forecast the weather from one national staff member (I can't remember his name ) who was a retired Air Force meteorologist. The only problem I had with the school, well not really with the school but I haven't been invited to umpire in any national or regional tournaments. I'll just keep doing the state tournys and the World's Largest Charity Slowpitch Softball Tournament until my number comes up. Oh, just FYI for anybody that's interested, the McQuades tournament went international this past summer.
Bob Savoie and, you need to be "nominated" to work a NT by your state UIC who often relies on the local UIC for names and/or information.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
Last edited by IRISHMAFIA; Thu Dec 28, 2006 at 11:35am.