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Old Sun Feb 03, 2002, 02:30am
Redneck Ref Redneck Ref is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 88
A few weeks back (JV game) I called a "T" for profanity. When I went to report it I also told the coach what I had. He wanted to know what his player said and I told the coach that I would not repeat what the player said because I wouldn't be any better than the player who said it. The coach then told me that the only reason he used profanity is because I didn't call a foul on the other team when this player was shooting. I told the coach that's what's wrong with the game and life today because everyone has an excuss and also that he wasn't setting a good example with his team.

In order to get respect you have to show respect and I don't think our generation of youger players have been taught to respect officials. They witness how coaches and fans yell and use profanity at officials through out the game and think that's the norm.
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