Thread: Top duo?
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Old Tue Dec 26, 2006, 12:44pm
shawn29 shawn29 is offline
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Originally Posted by Old School
Jordan and Pippan #5 is an insult. These 2 are number 1, hands down.

How about Lew Alcinder and Oscar Robertson, bet you don't remember that. In fact, if Lew didn't get traded, there may have been a dynasty there. How about Larry Bird and Kevin McKale, Julius Ervin and Moses Malone or Aken Olahuwan and Clyde Drexter or remember the twin towers Olahuwan and Ralph Samspon.

In football, the best duo of all time is Motanna and Rice, hands down. This combination destroyed teams. I remember one super bowl that San Diego made it too, against the 49ers. San Diego had to have known that Jerry Rice was the killer in the NFL at the time, but they went into the game with no answer. The very 1st play of the SB, Montana to Rice, touchdown, the route is on. I was like how did they even get here.

How about Lenny Dawson and Otis Taylor
Marshall Faulk and Curt Warner
Terry Bradsaw and Lynn Swam
Fred Brelitnikaus and Darrel Lamonica
Kevin Winslow and Dan Fouts
too name a few.....
That was Young to Rice on the third play .
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