Thread: 2,000 Points.
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Old Fri Feb 01, 2002, 12:50am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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I had a game on Tuesday where a kid scored his 2,000 point during the game on a 3 pointer. The game was stopped and they made an announcement to acknowledge the accomplshipment to the crowd which was a home game for the kid.

Now here is the question I have. The table did not tell us until he needed 3 points (in the second half) to hit 2,000. They called me over to tell me "when he makes 3 more points, we want to stop the game." They did not seem to tell the opposing coach about this at all. And when the kid hit a 3 pointer, they stopped the game with the buzzer and announced the point total over the PA system.

Now, would any of you have a problem with this. Not necessarily the announcement, but should have the opposing team known or been aware before the flow of the game was stopped. As a matter of fact, the 3 pointer gave the home team the lead, which I think was the first time of the game. Or at least since the first couple minutes of the game. And it did seem like the vistiting coach was kind of upset. Would you allow them to do this at this time or would you think that another time to stop the game would have been more appropriate?

Oh BTW, there was a kid on the visiting team that hit like four 3 pointers right after the very brief break and this gave them a huge momentum boost in my opinion (firing them up a little). So it did not seem to hurt them, but what if it did? What have others done in similar situations?

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