Originally Posted by PYRef
I should rephrase that, because your right, there will never be a consensus.
So what is everyones opinion?? 
Please tell me you didn't just do that!
Most veterans will realize that there are times when you have to call what you have to call. When someone talks about getting calls right, like this thread, IMO they are ballwatching and want validation for that practice. Most games do not require calling out of your area just like most games do not include a false double flagrant technical or other plays that are rare.
Two questions for the OP:
1. What level do you currently call?
2. How many times do you call across the paint during a game?
I don't ask those questions to put you on the spot. I ask because, if you are working two-man JV games (this is just what I believe) you can relax a little because you have bigger primaries with more dual areas and you shouldn't be worried about all of this anyway. If you are working three-man and you call across the lane several times a game (again what I believe) you should probably be across the lane and/or you are a ball watcher.