Thread: a rough night
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Old Fri Dec 08, 2006, 04:40pm
Old School Old School is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Again, JMO, you posted re: the original post--that if the officials can't agree in a situation like the original post, then the R decides. That statement was completely wrong , as per the rules that I cited.
I don't disagree with this statement JR, however, my point is this. I don't want an official who's been working for a short period of time, or who does not have the experience of a senior official, to think he knows more than someone who's been doing it longer. If in doubt yield. In this particular case, the R was wrong, but, realistically speaking, how often is that going to happen? More times than not, the R or senior official will know more and new or younger officials need to stand down to the person with more seniority. Rule knowledge which is what you advocate is the key to knowing whether one is right or wrong. I just don't want to be working with a new guy and he thinks he's 110% correct on a call, and I know he's not, I'm the R and I can't get him to let it go. This has happen too, and as a assigner, when I run into pig headed new officials like this, you can believe they don't get no more assignments from me. You see, nobody mention this! The human side of the equation. You gave us the book side JR, which is correct and I stand down to that. BUT!!! Big but, there's two sides to every coin. I'm just approaching it from a different prospective. Some of you really need to learn how to think outside the box. Seriously....
You continued to argue otherwise instead of simply picking up your rule/case books and checking the references.
How do you know this? Are you 100% sure? How much money would you be willing to put down on this statement?
I hate to break this too, and this really isn't a flame, but the only conclusion that logically can be reached is that you are NOT an official per se.
Please explain whether or not I'm an official has to do with this topic? Are we having a hard time focusing, staying on point?

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