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Old Fri Dec 08, 2006, 04:20pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Like I said, grant an additional timeout because the official book told him (maybe did not even look at the book). You are only compounding the problem. Try and justify all you want the rules dont allow for an additional timeout just because the official scorekeeper said so. Heck if that was the case the official scorekeeper will just continue to oh whoops I made a mistake dont penalize my team.... It was what was noted in the book and what we have knowledge about... If the official scorekeeper messed up somehow it most likely (unless on a neutral floor) it was his own team... That's right we would allow a homer to influence the game forgot that is in rule 14.... Rule 15 states that official scorekeepers are not subject to oversight or review by the officials on the floor, if fact I think the exact wording is. "Official scorekeeper can do whaterver in the H**(LL he wants at the table witout penalty or oversight" Rule 1 in the Atheletic Directo'r manual also states AD's have no oversight over scorekeepers and cannot discipline them or fire them without consulting both Billy Hunter and POTUS.

There is a difference between the scorekeeper and the book here. If the time out stops the clock and allows the game winning
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