Thread: just checking
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Old Wed Jan 30, 2002, 02:49pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Basketball is NOT soccer, there is NO advantage clause in basketball like there is in soccer. Let me repeat myself: Basketball is NOT soccer, there is NO advantage clause in basketball like there is in soccer.

It is utter nonsense to wait and see if the field goal attempt is not successful to call a foul. This is not a case of advantage/disadvantage. This is covered in NFHS R4-S27 and NCAA R4-S37, incidental contact. A2's contact is not incidental contact.
How did the push "hinder B2 (or whoever it was in the orignial) from participating in normal defensive movements?"

If the shot was good, and the foul was "minor-enough" to not influence subsequent rebounding attempts, then the only movement B2 has is to either inbound the ball or run down the court for the offensive set.
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