Wrong Player Fouls Out??
I am working a two-man game last night. I'm Lead. The ball gets stolen at halfcourt by the white team. SO I am now the new trail. My partner at the new Lead postion calls a foul Blue 11 on the layup. I'm coming up, the floor I just pass half court when he calls the foul. I observe the players. He reports the foul and walks away. The scorer says Blue 11 has committed has 5th personal foul. Due to earlier heated confrontation in the game with the Blue coach and my partner (as discussed in pregame), we decided to let me tell the Blue coach that BLue 11 has 5 fouls. Blue coach said Blue 11 was not in the play and that he was at half court and that Blue 00 is the one that fouled. Both announcers on the radio behind the scorer's bench signal that it was Blue 00. The visiting scorer said it was '00'. Blue 00 said it was him. The official scorer said that my partner said it was Blue 11. SO, I gave the Blue coach the benefit of the doubt. I asked my partner whom he called the foul on (or is it who?). He said Blue 11. I told the Blue coach and the Blue 11 and told the timer to start the 30. The Blue coach was adamant that it was not Blue 11. I told him that Blue 11 has 5 fouls and he needs to get a replacement. Blue 11 was replaced. I am thinking that maybe I should have observed the players and who was who after the foul. Otherwise, I had no choice to do what I did. ANy thoughts