I think I kicked it.
Had an overtime game last night, 8th Grade Boys. My partner was starting his 2nd season. Considering I'm only starting my 4th, we did well in a hard played, back and forth game. Yeah, there were a few hiccups, but overall it was good. Until ...... the overtime tipoff.
I thought I checked the way the teams were positioned for the jump and I know I reminded them that they were to play the same basket. Up goes the toss, the tip goes behind me, and a quick whistle from my partner. Backcourt violation on white! He went the wrong way! I set up for Blue, and all but the thrower head toward the wrong basket. YIKES.
So I get with partner to confirm he called a backcourt violation on white, not a carry (his signals for the two looked much alike). It was a backcourt violation. Apparently everyone but us was playing the wrong basket.
Our solution was to reset the clock and tip again. After the game, it occurred to me that we should have given white the ball, since they had the original tip, put the teams in the right direction, and leave the clock alone.
Kicked it? Any difference if only some of the players knew the right basket? If only the jumpers were lined up improperly?
At least White got the second tip.