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Old Tue Jan 29, 2002, 10:51pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by Slider
Originally posted by BktBallRef do you contend that he may place the ball on the floor, and then roll (pass) it to himself?
Do you contend that a player cannot tap a rebound into the air several times, to himself?
Just as when a dribbler sometimes never catches a ball, but taps a pass to the floor and goes...If the rebounder controls his taps, he is in control of the ball.

Now, are you going to answer my previous question. Let us say that he placed the ball on the floor, paused, and then tapped it to start the roll (the pass) to himself. Is that traveling if he runs and then recovers the ball?
A player has player control when he is holding or dribbling the ball.
Tapping a pass to the floor is the start of a dribble.
Tapping a rebound in the air in not player control.
Tapping the ball while it's rolling on the floor is not player control.
Placing the ball on the floor means the player had player control.
Then tapping it as it rolled would constitute a self pass and traveling.
This is not what happened in the original post.
There was no player control in the original post.
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