Strange Night
Worked a boys JV game tonight. Partner was a newbie and had only had a couple of JV games. The guy calls everything... I mean everything!!! At one point we had 15 fouls and I'd called 3. At half the 3 guys for V are dressing in the room. They mention that he needs to let some things go.... several times. Second half, faster whistle. At a 60 TO I mosey over and mention that he might want to slow his whistle down and look for an advantage, etc. Must have made him nervous because his whistle speeds up. Game lasts FOREVER...1 hr 40 minutes. I'm walking out afterwards thinking, "I'll never get anything much more here. The AD calls me over and says. I'm a man down, I need you for a V Friday night and to bump you up to boys V next Tuesday." Go figure!
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
Last edited by refnrev; Fri Dec 01, 2006 at 12:18am.