Thread: BRD error
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Old Mon Jan 28, 2002, 05:27pm
Carl Childress Carl Childress is offline
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I just received my copies of the BRD. There is a significant error in Section 254, where I explain the new Fitzpatrick ruling concerning whether an outfielder stationed in the infielder should be considered still as an outfielder or "become" an infielder. (It matter for purposes of awards for an overthrow on the "first play by an infielder.")

A word of explanation: Since I must travel back and forth quickly from one section of the book to another, I have embedded hidden text (connected by hyperlinks to almost 1200 bookmarks) throughout the manuscript. In this instance I accidentally enclosed part of the Official Interpretation within the hidden attributes. When I "disappeared" the text, the start of the official interp also vanished.

For those of you with the BRD, please correct OFF INTERP 142. It should be labeled 142-254 and read as follows:

    For purposes of an overthrow, an outfielder stationed in the infield is considered an infielder. Fitzpatrick: "Don't ask me where the infield/outfield LINE is again. We all know just the pitcher always plays in the infield, at least according to 1.04. But like Justice Stewart, I know where it is when I see it."

The play that follows correctly demonstrates that interpretation.

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