Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP
Alright Bkt, Snaq, and Jurassic, I'm pretty much there, I guess.
But by the logic you've all displayed, wouldn't it also be a violation for the thrower to go out of bounds, reach, and tap the still in-bounds ball to him/herself to then pick up and throw in? Or does this fall under: By the strict interp of the rules (as has been laid out here), yes, this is a violation, but we're going to leave it alone now, because it doesn't look as strange, and no one's gaining an advantage, etc.?
I didn't give you
logic. I gave you
rules. Whether you choose to believe or disbelieve those rules is completely up to you.
What you're talking about above is the method the player is using to get ready to start the throw-in,
not what rules are actually used to govern the thrower
after the throw-in has started. See rule 4-42-3 and 7-6-1. The throw-in and the throw-in count do not start until the ball is at the disposal of the thrower. In the case above, the throw-in does not start until
after the player OOB had possession of the ball OOB- iow
after he had tapped the ball to himself.