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Old Wed Nov 15, 2006, 11:02am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref

1. While I agree that if the book was in error about the number of time-outs that the technical foul SHOULD be rescinded, I'm not convinced that 2-11-11 is the proper rules citation to allow that. The situation posed in this thread challenges my thinking about booking keeping as I have always considered that to be a record of the game. It records the score, the fouls that are charged, the time-outs, and in some cases the substitutions. So correcting a mistake in the book is simply about erasing a mark or number and/or putting one in another place. Fouls can clearly be changed from one player to another or moved from one team to the other or even erased entirely if they never took place, but can a technical foul which was called, reported, and the penalty assessed be wiped away as if it never happened solely on the basis of 2-11-11? I think that something stronger is needed to back that. Maybe even 2-3. Although, I hate to go there.

2. If you do make the T disappear, why would the team still have one time-out left? Wouldn't they be at zero now, since they got their five time-outs and didn't suffer a technical foul?

3. If it is too late to correct the awarding of the FTs and they must stand, do you give the team one time-out according to Dan's rationale that they are entitled to five which aren't penalized? They have already paid for a sixth with a T, so they still have one unpenalized time-out remaining. Is that what you would do?
Why use R2-3 when the language in R2-11-11 covers it?--"A bookkeeping mistake may be corrected at any time until the referee approves the final score". When you correct the bookkeeping mistake, you create a correctable error at the same time- i.e. R2-10-1(b)- "Awarding an unmerited free throw". That correctable error can only be corrected using the criteria contained in R2-10-2--"Such error must be recognized by an official no later than during the first dead ball after the clock has properly started". Looks to me like the existing rules cover this situation pretty well.

2) Good point. I didn't read the original situation close enough.The team used their supposed sixth TO before the penalties for that TO were administered. The book would now show 6 charged TO's. After correction of the bookkeeping error, it should show 5 actual TO's taken. Iow, they don't get to use another one.

3) See #2.
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