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Old Tue Nov 14, 2006, 05:42pm
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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Bob's a bully.

Well I will go ahead and step in it. I saw the video of the "gentle lifting" and also of the kid on the bench massaging his "gentley lifted jaw". I mean really at what point do people tell him "thats enough little Bobby go stand in the corner for about 25 years.
He is a bully. If I saw him at the bar he would be considered another fat,hot headed guy who has had lots of practice picking himself off the barroom floor. Cause in the world I live in .you gently lift someone's chin you are in for some gentle lifting of your own.
Assuming the quotes attributed to the parents are accurate these people are brain-dead. I mean he hit your son or gently lifted his jaw and you say it's no big deal. Brain-dead. I don't even know your kid and wanted to punch little bobby in the face. Make little bobby go away.
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