I had a situation a few years ago where both teams requested a TO at (about) the same time. The TO was granted to A, but the book wrote it down as B. So, when B called a TO later in the game, they were "out". Because I knew who had requested the TOs and how they had been charged, we were able to change the book to what happened and finish a close game without a s***-storm. The tape backed me up.
I'm sure when someone said the B team was out of time outs someone on the B team disagreed, @ least enough for Bob to research what had happened. I do believe Bob was correct because he knew who called the time out. The book did charge a time out but to the wrong team. I would bet that the B teams book didn't match up to the home book....DISCREPENCY.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
There is almost always a videotape, and certainly at the college level, that will back you up, if you are right. Just look at Bob Jenkin's post two above yours.
The referee administers the game, not a piece of paper.
I agree that the referee admins. the game. Whenever we are going to make a correction we want to be able to validate the change. In this TO scenario the referee would come in and make a change with all other information saying otherwise, Hmmm... I know @ the collegiate level that will NEVER happen!!!! Besides @ about every college game there is play by play. If I check both books & play by play and they all agree I don't see how in the world you could make a change.
The main reason you wouldn't want to make a change like this is because we could be wrong. Its possible that we forgot just one time out. Hell, in media games you have 4 media's, 4 30's and a full. It's real easy to remember when the full was taken but its a whole lot harder to remember the 30's.
The HS game has 3 fulls and 2 30's. It would be real easy to forget or miss a time out, especially in a close heated game. Now if your down towards the end and the table tells you or confirms that a team or both teams only have 1 left, then it would be a whole lot easier to know if that time out was ever taken.
Neva, you will do whatever works for you. I just can't see changing the TO info if everything agrees. Checking TO's isn't a monitor issue so if your wrong in a close game that the called TO should've resulted in a penalty and don't penalize. Only because your sure they aren't but all the info agrees....well I'm not sure you would ever recover from that.
Keep in mind that it would be extremely rare for both books and play by play to all be wrong. If you think that the team should have time out then check the info, but if it matches then I would just accept the fact that I missed a time out