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Old Tue Nov 14, 2006, 01:23am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref
2-11-11 refers to a discrepancy between two books. If you say one thing and both books agree on something else, do you still have the authority to overrule?
In my opinion, YES. Let me give you an example.
My partner reports a foul very quickly on White FOUR -- FIVE. The table mishears him because of how fast he spoke and moved his fingers. Both the home and visiting scorers record the foul as White FIVE.
Two minutes later when W5 fouls again we are told that he has fouled out. The coach complains, the kid complains, I talk to my partner and he is sure that the last two fouls that he called were not on White FIVE.
Despite both books agreeing, the referee can make the change. The bottom line is to get it right. Sometimes you have to take on some extra responsibility and even step on some toes and hurt some feelings to do that.

BTW that play really happened to me. We actually had sent W5 out of the game for a couple of minutes until the next foul occurred. It happened to be on White 45 and the scorer said that it was only his fourth. At that point, both my partner and I were sure what had happened. I was very confident that I knew his foul total. I had five for this player. The kid said it was his fifth, his coach said that it was his fifth, and the OPPOSING coach even said so. We changed the foul from 5 to 45, disqualified 45 and brought 5 back into the game. It was the right thing to do.
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