Originally Posted by Dan_ref
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
As BillyMac has posted, an official is required to notify the coach when they have no time-outs remaining. It seems that the officials failed to fulfill a specified duty in this game.
You sure?
Originally posted by tjchamp
This weekend at a 9th grade tournament, Team b coach asks the official scorekeeper (parent of team A player), how many timeouts he had left. Scorekeeper indicates he has 1 timeout left. Both my partner and I hear him tell him he has 1 timeout left.
Yep, that's what the rule says, Dan.
As for whatever the scorekeeper indicates, I was taught NEVER to leave the game in the hands of the table. Plus with definite knowledge the referee can change anything in the scorebook, so it doesn't matter what the scorer says, it matters what the referee knows.