REPLY: ljudge...I've always believed (and a friend has confirmed) that NF 9-5-1e prohibits kicking at the ball, i.e. "swinging and missing." This is a USC foul. Actually kicking a live ball is governed by 9-7-1. I spoke with my friend about your situation. You shouldn't have two different penalties for the same foul. That's why we believe that kicking at the ball implies that he misses it. We sort of agreed that if he kicked the ball before it comes to rest that it is a live ball foul and enforcement would be from the previous spot. If he kicked it after it came to rest, then the ball becomes dead the moment his foot touches it. But what about the kick? If he just taps it with his foot and displaces it a few feet, best to just leave it alone. If he kicks it some distance and you have to go retrieve, maybe a DOG. If he kicks it hard in anger, then a DBF for USC is probably warranted. What do you think?
Bob M.