Originally Posted by JRutledge
Appedendix V (page 187 of the NCAA rulebook)
Item: Airborne shooter
NFHS: In air after release of try or tap
NCAA: Men--No Rule
Women---Same as NFHS
Says it all for me.

So you're saying this does not apply to ncaa-m? It's a women's only interp? On the men's side this player is no longer in the act of shooting & doesn't get his FT?
A.R. 67. A1 is in the air on a jump shot in the lane. A1 releases the ball on a try and is fouled by B1, who has jumped in an unsuccessful attempt to block the shot. A1’s try is: (a) successful; or (b) unsuccessful. RULING: A1 shall be an airborne shooter when the ball is released until he or she returns with one foot touching the floor. An airborne shooter shall be in the act of shooting. B1 has fouled A1 in the act of shooting. A1 shall be awarded one free throw in (a), and two in (b).