Thread: Coverage Areas
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Old Wed Nov 08, 2006, 09:59pm
Gimlet25id Gimlet25id is offline
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Location: Richmond, IN
Posts: 402
It amazes me that often times we get so concerned with who's call it is /isn't that we lose focus of what really matters. THE GAME.

First of all I'm not saying that if we see it then we need to call it if our partner isn't. First I would ask why are we seeing the supposed missed call by our partner. Thats not to say that in Dual coverage area's that we can't see the same play and give the primary a chance. If he/she doesn't get it then get it, if it has to be gotten.

In fact this is a great area of discussion in your pre game. We can't be so concerned with our EGO's that we lose sight of the officiate the game as fairly and consistently as possible for both teams. In my neck of the woods we pre game, "If it's on tape lets get the play right." That is also true even if it's not on tape. Lets just make sure if we are going to fish in someone else's pond that we catch a whale not a fish.

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